Fundraising Feasibility Services

A fundraising feasibility study is an important step in establishing the viability of any major new fundraising initiative. For capital fundraising projects in particular, identifying the scope and options for potential funding from different sources is key to mitigating project risks.
Our team of experienced charity consultants can help you assess potential funding feasibility efficiently and thoroughly, to help you make the right decisions for your organisation.
Our approach with fundraising feasibility studies is bespoke to each client’s needs but the following sets out a typical basis:
- Familiarisation and review – desk review of documentation in relation to your organisation and project plans
- Consultation with staff / Trustees, to discuss all aspects of your planning and progress to date including aspects such as community / stakeholder engagement and evidence of need
- Funding Prospect review and research – consider most appropriate funding avenues and if applicable undertake detailed grant funder prospect research
- Feasibility report covering: All identified issues and considerations; an informed view on overall project feasibility; potential resource requirements and returns; and, risks and mitigation approaches
Our team of charity consultants have worked with hundreds of charities, providing skills and experience that can really help your organisation to take forward its planning and development.
We would be delighted to discuss your needs, please get in touch to see how we can support you with a fundraising feasibility study.