Charity Bid Writing Consultancy and Bid Review Service

Creating successful funding bids can be a complex and time-consuming process. Writing narrative that sets your funding application head and shoulders above competing bids can be both daunting and challenging to get right.
The good news is that Charity Fundraising Ltd is here to help. We support our charity clients to substantially increase their grant income by writing compelling funding bids that get results.
Bid writing consultancy is the core of our work and we have been securing grants and tenders for our clients for nearly 20 years with an average ROI of £14 secured per £1 spent on our services!
The key to our success is manifold:
- We work in close partnership with our clients to ensure we know their work, their goals and their passion for the cause inside out;
- We craft bespoke bids that convey both the emotive and the objective case for support;
- We support clients to fill any gaps in evidencing need and impact through desk research, service user consultation and evaluation;
- We research funders in depth and build extensive understanding of both their published and their ‘unwritten’ funding criteria;
- We constantly build our knowledge – Every bid we have done over the last 20 years helps to extend our understanding of what works with any given funder;
- We share knowledge across our team of bid writers, peer reviewing and further developing every bid before it goes to the client;
- We are passionate about achieving success for our clients and our grant writers go above and beyond to achieve grant success.
We have secured over £40 Million for our clients from funding bids to sources including:
- Charitable Trusts and Foundations;
- National Lottery Community Fund (formerly Big Lottery Fund);
- National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly Heritage Lottery Fund);
- Public sector Grants from Local Authorities, national Government departments and European Union.
Our core team is made up of highly experienced Trust fundraising consultants and Lottery bid writers, all of whom have individually secured significant funding through grant writing and bid review. Our wide-reaching specialised skills allow us to produce top quality trust, lottery and statutory funding applications, whilst offering excellent value for money.
Whilst we typically take the lead in bid writing, sometimes clients prefer to do so themselves but would still like a little help to make the strongest possible case for support. Our Bid Review Service provides hands on support, reviewing draft funding bids and providing comprehensive input and advice, substantially increasing your chances of success with that critical major bid.
If you would like to find out more about our professional bid writing service or if you are interested in bid review consultancy support then please contact us today.