BLF Reaching Communities £263,838 grant success for Ipswich Disabed Advice Bureau
Posted on 29 October 2013
BLF Reaching Communities £271,888 grant success for Reading YMCA
Posted on 03 June 2013We are delighted to hear news of a Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities success of £271,888, having supported Reading YMCA in the development of their project and funding application.
Project activities include a community cafe (with service users encouraged to help run it), arts and crafts, woodwork, sports and leisure sessions and a summer youth activity programme. As well as personal development and vocational skills sessions, the project aims to improve intergenerational cohesion, targeting young people, older people and single mothers simultaneously.
£342,000 BLF Advice Services Transition Fund grant success for Derbyshire Districts CAB
Posted on 28 May 2013Having supported Derbyshire Districts Citizens Advice Bureau by providing support in relation to project design, development and bid review, we are extremely pleased to learn that they have been awarded a grant of £342,000 from the Big Lottery Fund – Advice Services Transition Fund. The funding is intended to build capacity and improve advice service outcomes throughout the Amber Valley, Derbyshire Dales, Erewash and High Peak Districts and will make a huge difference to the significant numbers of people living in those areas who need advice and information in order to deal with the effects of welfare reforms.

St Paul’s Cathedral Fundraising
Posted on 19 April 2013Charity Fundraising Ltd is delighted to be working with St Paul’s Cathedral to raise funds for their heritage fundraising priorities and educational activities. St Paul’s Cathedral needs no introduction but needless to say we are really excited about providing fundraising consultancy support towards this remarkable institution.

Almost £75,000 achieved for Pursuing Independent Paths (PIP)
Posted on 15 March 2013PIP is a west London-based charity providing a comprehensive range of education, training and recreational opportunities to young adults with learning disabilities. The team at Charity Fundraising Ltd has worked closely with PIP, developing bids to secure grant and contract funding for its valuable arts, education and training programmes. We look forward to building upon this success over the coming year.