Services carried out
- Bid Writing / Review
- Monitoring / Evaluation Support
We would strongly recommend Charity Fundraising Ltd to any group trying to access funding. Jo Angel, Head Teacher

Charity Fundraising Ltd supported King’s Hedges Primary School with their project, budget and application development for a bid to Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities for their innovative ‘So to Speak’ project. As part of our work for them as fundraising consultants we also undertook evaluation services to produce a detailed evaluation of the existing project.
The grant of £225,793 enables the continuation and expansion of a project which offers children and families in Kings Hedges, Cambridge better life chances by delivering intensive early intervention to children aged 2-4 years old in areas such as speech, language, motor skills and social development. Activities will be supported by outings to venues such as the Post Office, library, park or shops to encourage talk and discussion.
Jo Angel, Head Teacher reported that the best aspect of the service was…. “That Paul was sympathetic to the aims of our organisation and seemed to understand how we wanted to work. That you were on call and could respond at the drop of a hat – often within seconds of asking. You kept us informed on progress and let us know what you needed from us in good time and kept your requests to a minimum. That you were successful!!!”