Services carried out
- Monitoring / Evaluation Support
An excellent service resulting in a high quality report which truly reflected the achievements and outcomes of the project

Charity Fundraising Ltd were appointed to evaluate the achievements, outputs and outcomes of the Community Advice Network (CAN) for Chiltern and South Bucks, funded by BLF Advice Services Transition Fund.
The Community Advice Network (CAN) is a partnership of major advice agencies to provide a single point of contact for clients seeking help. It was designed as a client focussed service with the aim of transforming the provision of advice in Chiltern and South Bucks.
Our charity consultants used the following methods to evaluate the project:
- Analysis of Petra data – Petra is a national database used by all CABs to log client contacts and cases
- Analysis of CAN project statistics
- Service User satisfaction questionnaire
- Service User impact questionnaire
- Partner agencies questionnaire
- Project Staff interviews
Both an interim evaluation report and final evaluation report were produced. The interim report detailed how the outcomes had been met to date with suggestions of how any outcomes not currently met could be met by the end of the project. The final evaluation report detailed how the outcomes had been met and recommendations for future project developments.
Feedback after Interim Evaluation Report
“Everyone is very happy with the report and thinks that it is very professional, so many thanks, not least for your patience and speed of delivery.” – Jan Ashworth, CAN Project Manager
Feedback after Final Evaluation Report
“An excellent service resulting in a high quality report which truly reflected the achievements and outcomes of the project whilst identifying any areas for change/improvement in future project planning.” – Jan Ashworth, CAN Project Manager