Services carried out
- Contract Tender Writing / Review

Charity Fundraising Ltd worked with Business and Education London South during a tender process which resulted in a success of £504,000 to support young people in South London to develop their employability skills.
Business and Education London South (BELS) works with young people to help them move from education to employment by improving their employability skills and preparing them for work. It exists to advance the education and training of young people and adults mainly, but not exclusively, in South London. BELS pays particular regard to the development of commercial and business skills, so that the region’s young people will be better prepared to proceed to further education or employment appropriate to their potential.
Charity Fundraising Ltd worked with BELS, providing tender writing services to prepare a tender to the London Development Agency European Social Fund Youth Co-Financing Programme, which resulted in a grant of £504,000.
This tender success saw the launch of a new project ‘The Creating Positive Futures Programme’ which enabled BELS to work with partners across 12 London Boroughs to provide a holistic programme for young people not in education employment or training (NEET).
The support included industry specific experiential training targeted at entry level job opportunities in such sectors as catering and hospitality, construction, retail, media and other related training provision. 380 young people were supported by the project, and, of those, 144 progressed into jobs, with 118 of these remaining in sustained employment.